5 Important Things You Need To Know Before Traveling to Mexico During COVID-19
I get it- obviously, as someone who lives and travels abroad full time- travel is important. We all want to go places, especially after being stuck at home all year. If you’re an American like me, our options are extremely limited in 2020. Which is why thousands of Americans seem to be traveling to Mexico during COVID-19. It’s close, it’s open, and it’s familiar to many. Hey, it’s why I also chose to relocate to Mexico in 2020.
That being said- there is a huge difference between taking an unnecessary vacation, vs. an essential trip or move. Unfortunately, most Americans, Europeans and South Americans traveling to Mexico during COVID-19 fall into the first category. I knew people were coming, but I had no idea how that was affecting Mexico until I personally came here.
In the U.S. specifically, we just hit a record high point in cases and deaths. Despite this, thousands of Americans are flocking to Mexico, specifically its Riviera Maya region. TSA just reported a record high of travellers for the year.
So what’s the issue? Places like the Riviera Maya, and many top tourist destinations are absolutely beautiful. They aren’t equipped to handle the covid cases that American travelers bring, however.
If you’re considering traveling to Mexico during COVID-19, please consider this before booking your flight:
1. Covid-19 Cases are Officially Rising in Mexico Due to American Tourists
Many businesses have remained open during this time, to quite simply, stay afloat. Unfortunately, the tourism economy that keeps many areas of Mexico thriving, comes with a cost in the pandemic. Tourists flocking here to party, attend music festivals, and not wear masks, are causing superspreaders, especially in Tulum.
COVID-19 still exists, and it’s only getting worse in Mexico because of this. If you’re traveling to Mexico during COVID-19, you need to exercise caution and still social distance when you’re there. It’s not appropriate to dance at packed night clubs and attend music festivals, even if they’re open.
2. Many Tourist Regions Aren’t Equipped with Enough Resources To Treat Those Who Get Sick
This is especially true if you’re choosing the smaller beach towns, like the Riviera Maya or Baja. The way many local people live is very different than what you see at an all-inclusive resort. Some towns don’t have a hospital, and resources are limited. The biggest city in the Riviera Maya, Playa Del Carmen, is only home to 250,000 people. Places like Tulum don’t have the ability to support those who are getting sick during superspreader music festivals.
Mexico has the highest COVID-19 death rate, at 9.8%. Many attribute this to the lack of consistent adequate treatment facilities, underlying conditions, and a President who isn’t exactly enforcing protocols. Foreigners have been airlifted back to their own countries to receive treatment, but locals don’t have that privilege.
3. If You Want to “Help the Economy,” Consider Your Behavior
If you’re traveling to Mexico during COVID-19 and justifying it by helping the local economy, great. But please consider your actual actions when in Mexico to see if you’re doing more harm than good. Support the local economy, not just your resort.
More than just spending money, be respectful of the people risking their lives to show you a good time. Respect their space, wear a mask around your servers, sanitize, and don’t explore in the same manner you would pre-pandemic. There will be no local economy to support if we’re spreading the disease every where.
4. Mexico Does Have A Mask Mandate and Official COVID Protocols You Need to Follow
We need to remember that we are a guest in someone else’s country. Traveling to Mexico during COVID-19 isn’t an opportunity to just do what you want. Mexico actually has a mask mandate in every state, and they operate using a stop light system. So depending on what color each state is, the restrictions change.
Overall, most states have social distancing requirements, limits on gatherings, temperature checks, and varied alcohol sales bans. We have to adhere to these when we’re here- it doesn’t matter if you’re on vacation or not. You can stay up to date on each states local restrictions and case count here.
5. Ask Yourself If You Would Behave The Same Way Back Home As You Do in Mexico
Ask yourself if the way you’re acting in Mexico is the way you would act back home. I’ve noticed a lot of families, and huge tourist groups treating their trip to Mexico as a free for all. I’ve also noticed frequent disrespect to the Mexican people. From a general refusal to wear masks, to yelling and making fun of people for not speaking English, to generally behaving badly. If you’re traveling to Mexico during COVID-19, remember that everyone here is also struggling with the pandemic and that you’re a guest in their country.

Still Going? Okay, at the end of the day, it is your decision. Please be as safe and respectful as possible when traveling to Mexico during COVID-19:
- Follow the Local Protocols: Wear Your Mask
- Skip the Clubs and Bars
- Respect Your Servers
- Keep Up Vigilant Hand Washing and Sanitizing Practices
- Spend Money to Support the Local People
- Leave the Entitlement Back Home
